Pre Loader

HighIQPro’s program combines applied G mindware strategies with cognitive capacity (gated DNB) training. This combination works synergistically for maximum IQ transfer.

The mindware strategy training rating system and tutorials is specifically for the following applied G capabilities:


Mental Attitude

Your ‘mindset’ – your beliefs, values, attitudes and motivations about your own mental capabilities



Strategic action promotes strategic advantage, and/or implements strategic plans.

Strategic plans are high level plans to achieve goals under conditions of uncertainty.

Strategic vision is intuitive, creative thinking about high-value envisioned futures.



Productivity is a measure of efficiency of a person completing a task – the efficiency of converting inputs into useful outputs. Productivity can be defined by dividing output (e.g. completing a project, learning a skill) by the total costs incurred or resources consumed (time, money, effort, psychological stress, etc).


Values & Wisdom

‘Values’ are defined as:

principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life

Wisdom is defined as:

the capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct; soundness of judgement in the choice of means and ends


Emotional Intelligence

the ability to perceive, understand, and manage one’s emotions



the action or process of reasoning systematically in support of an idea, action, or theory



The ability to understand something – to grasp the relevant structure and significance/meaning of some subject-matter or situation



Cutting across psychology, neuroscience, machine learning (AI), organizational psychology and behavioral ecology, learning can be defined as:

a structured updating of system properties based on the processing of new information that results in better adaptation, performance or competence

But for the purposes of brain based learning for practical outcomes, we can define it as (ref):

The capacity… to acquire or develop new, memories, knowledge or skills based on experience



the ability to choose between competing courses of action based on the relative subjective value of their probabilistic consequences


Problem Solving

A problem arises when we have a goal but do not know how the goal is to be reached. When we recourse to thinking to devise action/s which mediate between the existing and the desired situation we are problem solving.



