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Job Performance & Aptitude Tests


IQ = Cognitive Capital

There is conclusive evidence for the impact of IQ level on job aptitude test scores, trainability, job performance and income. A high IQ is valuable cognitive capital in our knowledge-based economy.

Our IQ training software HighIQPro has been scientifically demonstrated to improve fluid intelligence by 40%. Your fluid intelligence is your ability to reason, problem solve and think flexibly.

IQ & Psychometric Job Aptitude Tests

The job aptitude test is also known as the psychometric test, career aptitude test, career test, recruitment test or simply job test.  As much as 70% of companies use IQ-based selection tests in their recruitment process. Almost all of these aptitude tests are straight IQ tests, such as the Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices test.

Our IQ increasing software HighIQPro has been scientifically demonstrated to improve your fluid intelligence by over 40%. This will impact your job aptitude test score substantially.


IQ & Job Performance

Your IQ level is the single most powerful predictor of work performance -not amount of experience, but IQ. Higher IQs have more high performance work practices. The more complex the job, the more the benefits of a high IQ are felt.  There is a correlation of .80 (a measure of the strength of a link, ranging from 0 to 1) between IQ and job performance for more complex jobs. This is a very strong link. The better your work performance, the quicker you progress your career. This explains the positive link between IQ level and career status and income.

IQ & Trainability

There’s one very good reason besides work performance why employers use IQ tests in recruitment. Higher IQs are fast learners. Research has shown that employees with an average IQ may need 2-5 times more training time than high IQ employees. And super high IQs go exponential with their learning speed. In one study it took people in the 110 to 130 IQ range about 1 to 2 years to catch up with the super-charged performance of those with IQs of 130+ who had only 3 months’ experience on the job.

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I am a cognitive scientist with a joint Ph.D in cognitive psychology and neuroscience from the Center of the Neural Basis of Cognition (Carnegie Mellon/Pittsburgh). At IQ Mindware we develop brain training interventions to increase IQ, critical thinking, decision making, creativity and executive functioning.
